Aufgepasst: Die Website des Ideation & Prototyping Lab wird seit Februar 2022 nicht mehr aktualisiert.


Welcome to our Ideation & Prototyping Lab

Project Type

Hey there, and welcome to the Ideation and Prototyping Lab! We are part of the Technology Foundation Berlin. As a non-profit foundation, we work at the intersection of technology & urban planning to design Berlin’s future.

Hi, we're new!
Hi, we're new!

An important part of our work at the Technology Foundation is to research how new technologies influence urban life. Over the last years, we realized that more often than not you have to put your theories into practice to really understand what is going on. That is why we created this lab.

Currently, our main focus is on the analysis and visualisation of public data. Together with the Senate of Berlin, we are retrieving the data treasures of our public administration to make them open and usable for everyone. In these efforts, we can build on some of our succesful projects at the Technology Foundation, such as our broadband data visualisation and our Minecraft planning project. If you like to learn more about Open Data in Berlin, have a look at our research.

Dit is Berlin, as Berliners like to say
Dit is Berlin, as Berliners like to say

What’s more we are building an open LoRa-Network for a free Internet of Things, we are experimenting with sensors, hardware prototyping and materials from our Hacking Box or host workshops on the digital transformation of the public sphere.

By the way, all our projects are Open Source and free to be used, changed and developed further. If you prefer reading code over words, have a look at our GitHub.

If you like to know more about our work, get in touch! You can reach us by mail, twitter or even by good old phone :). We are also doing regular meetups, conference, workshops and open labs – you will read about it here or next door at our mothership